We begin this (hopefully) continuing series with a horror
match up. The duel belongs to
Supernatural’s Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean, facing off against horror slasher icons. Who are these icons? The masters would be: Freddy Kruger, Jason
Leatherface, and Michael Myers.
Supernatural, Sam and Dean have battled hundreds of baddies, ranging from ghosts to demons to monsters and lived to tell the tale. Sure, there have been close calls, and each brother has died once (so far), but they always come fighting back. They make a hell of a team, and know the lore behind their prey.
The slasher icons each operate in their own unique ways, but all of them are keen on killing. Other than
Leatherface, the icons all have at least a little supernatural ability. Freddy is the most magical, but Jason dies and resurrects all the time, as does Michael. And to recap each slasher’s murdering forte; Freddy kills people in their dreams, Jason wields a wicked machete,
Leatherface dissects with a chainsaw, and Michael uses a butcher knife.
So who would win in a battle (mind you, the battles would each occur separately, with the Winchester bros dueling one killer at a time)? Let the games begin.
The Winchester’s would win every time. I know that sounds too easy, maybe even blasphemous to some, but the duo are just too good of hunters. Both, Dean especially, have an excellent pop culture knowledge bank, against which the iconic horror baddies would stand no chance.
Freddy must be pulled into the real world from a dream, and the Winchesters would set the trap up far better than a group of moronic teenagers.
Jason would chase and deal a fair amount of damage on the brothers, but they would outsmart him eventually.
Leatherface, being the most human of all the icons, would be quick to take down.
Michael, for a slow moving,
Shatner-loving slasher, would prove a slippery little bastard, but would be bested by the Winchester team eventually.
It all comes down to smarts. The victims of the slasher icons are usually dumb teens, who really stand no chance in the first place. The Winchester brothers know how to fight, hunt, and have an impressive set of weapons to combat the icons.
Winner: Sam and Dean Winchester