This could easily be every males worst nightmare. And if it isn't, then it damn well better be after you watch
Teeth. What is it about? Forget the plot, two simple words can describe this horror/comedy: Vagina
Dentata. Or, in
layman's terms, the toothed vagina. Suffice it to say, Dawn has that exact (fictional) anatomical mutation and, of course, it bites certain male sexual organs that are not meant for biting. It will make men groan and clutch themselves, while women might get a little kick out of it all. The script is slow building in the first half, and rushes through the second, but the point of the film is not to be profoundly deep, but fun. Every character, save Dawn, is flat, but that fits perfectly with the commentary the film wants to make, which isn't much. They all play their parts well and without unnecessary complexity. And let us hope this myth stays as such, because an actual mutation of this sort would be absolutely terrifying.
Genre - Comedy/Horror (2.75)
Screenplay (3)
Acting (2)
Production (3)
Directing (3)
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