You know that feeling after a heavy night of drinking, right before you're going to throw up? I now dub that the
Van Helsing feeling. When you feel so terrible, you just want to vomit. After sitting through Stephen
Sommers Van Helsing, that is how I felt. There is nothing redeeming about this film. It is slow, sluggish, and filled with way too much bad
CGI. Think
I Am Legend, but far worse. For an action film,
Van Helsing barely qualifies. How far-fetched,
ludicrous, and boring can a movie with Dracula, the
Wolfman, and Frankenstein's monster get? Essentially, the "story" features Van
Helsing (Hugh
Jackman) tracking down the classic movie monsters, while simultaneously romancing Kate
Beckinsale. But the film barely makes sense, and the characters are all so dull it is hard them watch them without groaning. Frankenstein's monster is whiny, Dracula is laughable, and the heroes forgettable. The
Wolfman is the only likable character, because as an all CG character he never speaks and hides in the shadows for most of the film. As you may have
gleaned, I very much dislike
Van Helsing and only encourage viewing it when treating it as a
Mystery Science Theater affair. God, even writing this makes me want to Van
Helsing. I don't know if I can keep it down.
Genre - Action (1.25)
Screenplay (1)
Acting (2)
Production (1)
Directing (1)
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