Religulous is an examination of the worlds religions, but instead of being boring and pandering to the religious zealots, Maher challenges peoples faiths - right to their faces. Some may call it crude, some heresy, while some may issue a fatwa against him for opening his big mouth. But it is about time we question the religions that govern so many minds across the globe. Maher isn't aiming to avoid bias, he wants you to defend your beliefs against the real world you live in. When everything we do is based on facts and evidence, yet decisions are made based on religions created thousands (or decades) of years ago. Some will be offended, some enlightened, but everyone will take something from it. Maher hopes that something is reason, and this is where is argument his strongest. Reason is the tool we use everyday to survive, so why bother holding on to archaic beliefs that no longer stand up against scientific evidence? Wars are fought under the guise of religiosity, and the fate of the planet is in the hands of the most radical believers. Can we change? Bill would like to believe so.
Genre - Documentary (3)
Screenplay (3)
Acting (-)
Production (3)
Directing (3)
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