That is the basic premise of Equilibrium. It is 1984, except with less brains and more brawn. Now, this isn't a bad thing, just a fact. When you compare it to Orwell's novel, it pales in comparison and leaves you wanting. But when you view it as an action movie that borrows heavily from 1984, and is not an adaptation of, then you can relax and enjoy yourself. Christian Bale is wonderful as always and Taye Diggs looks like a bad ass. The action, specifically the gun play, is superb. Kurt Wimmer, the director and writer, has made an interesting film. But one wonders what would have happened with a stronger story, one that echoed the message of Orwell's 1984. I guess that is for speculation only. Turn your brain off for a couple hours and enjoy Equilibrium.
Genre - Action/Sci-Fi (2.5)
Screenplay (2)
Acting (3)
Production (3)
Directing (2)
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