Kiss Kiss Bang Bang proves Robert Downey Jr. is a force to be reckoned with. He absolutely owns this movie. And this comes long before his turn as Iron Man. His rebooted career is not likely to slow down now. Shane Black, the man who created
Lethal Weapon and the modern action film, gives us the greatest noir/mystery/comedy you'll likely ever see. Val Kilmer, playing Gay Perry, a private eye who is keen on solving the murder the film revolves around, shines nearly as bright as Downey Jr.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is self-aware, which is apparent when Downey Jr. narrates knowing he is narrating. He talks to the audience, asking them if they can solve the mystery before it is all revealed. But that is near impossible (at least in terms of specifics), and he knows it, so it is almost like he is mocking us. His character is a criminal after all. Keep an eye out for the hilarious scene featuring Harry trying to calculate the odds a single bullet would be fired from a six shooter. This is a funny flick, and you'll want to watch it more than once.
Genre - Mystery/Comedy (3.5)
Screenplay (4)
Acting (4)
Production (3)
Directing (3)