Now here is a film I just can't seem to like, no matter how hard I try. To be fair, I haven't tried that hard, but
Chicago simply is not my kind of film. It's a musical, hurdle one, and is just so over-the-top with little reason, hurdle two, that it hurts to watch. While the stage play might be great, this is a movie. If you want to see a play, go to the theater. I want a movie, so give me one. Be over-the-top, but don't lose control. And I may be in the minority with this one, but the characters played by Renee Zellweger and Catherine Zeta-Jones alienate me. Sing, but don't be so damn cold when you do it. Only John C. Reilly had me enjoying myself, but he is not in
Chicago long enough for me to care. Maybe I'll try it again in a couple years, but this one is just not for me.
Genre - Musical (2)
Screenplay (2)
Acting (2)
Production (2)
Directing (2)
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