Here is a film I expected to disappoint me, and instead ended up liking far more. Colin Farrell has never really done it for me as an actor, and was the reason I had so much doubt. But I heard good things about
In Bruges, about its script, so I gave it a try. And people were right, the script is fantastic, and delivers some great humor amidst action and drama. Brendan Gleeson is great as the older hit man, and his relationship with Farrell really sold me on the movie. Martin Mcdonagh, the writer and director, has a flair for interesting visuals and shots, which was just another plus. The story is basic, but filled with enough fun that you don't think about other movies with similar plots. There were only a couple of moments where I wished the action would pick up, but they were few and far enough between that it didn't really matter. I still had a good time.
Genre - Comedy (3.5)
Screenplay (4)
Acting (4)
Production (3)
Directing (3)
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