For a little indie,
Sunshine Cleaning sure had me going in with a number of different expectations, none of which matched up to the final result. The trailers promoting the film really pushed the comedic value of the film, yet reviews were saying it was far more serious than one might expect. I, however, found that
Sunshine Cleaning turned out to be a mixture of both comedy and drama, and it was a mixture that seemed to work quite well. An easy comparison would be to indie darling
Little Miss Sunshine, but, while I enjoy that movie, I don't think the two are all that similar.
Sunshine Cleaning, as a story, is one you've seen before, with the twists and turns you'd expect to find. But what sets it apart from the usual bullshit is the subject matter. And no, I don't mean it tackles any heavy issues, but the crime scene cleanup business the Amy Adams and Emily Blunt characters get into is one I haven't seen before. Sure, there are some emotional moments here, but largely the movie has fun with the decomp-cleanup, which is more than I can say most flicks might have done. There is some solid acting unfolding on the screen, and a story you can get behind (despite its familiarity), so I find myself with very little to complain about. Go in expecting to have a good time, and that is likely what you'll have. No need to complicate it.
Genre - Comedy/Drama (3)
Screenplay (3)
Acting (3)
Production (3)
Directing (3)
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