Triangle is written and directed by Christopher Smith, most likely "known" for his horror/comedy Severance. That film was a pleasure to watch and had fun with its slightly touched upon meta humor. The characters know enough about the ideas behind horror films (though never actually referenced, to avoid Scream comparisons, that it makes watching it so much fun; it keeps you guessing. But Triangle isn't like that, and while not an out-and-out horror film, it has its fair share of thrills, which tend to be more psychological than anything. Smith, and here I'll say *spoiler alert* for those hoping to go in blind, plays with the idea of time travel/time looping to move our main character through the story. It's cleverly done, and because it is complex and layered, Triangle has you unraveling the story after it's over.
Smith does a fantastic job writing and directing, building tension slowly and keeping the majority of the thrills psychological, so it never delves too much into cliched slasher material. Due to the nature of the film, and as mentioned at the beginning of this review, there are some really incredible shots. Too bad this low-budget flick didn't see a wider release, but I'm sure it will find its audience on DVD. Triangle twists and turns, not waiting simply for the end to wow viewers. And once the final twist is revealed, it sends you reeling, trying to understand exactly what has happened and how.
The acting is good, yet the majority falls onto the shoulders of lead star Melissa George. She does a great job, filling a variety of roles and emotions. You can certainly admire just how much she had to do for this film and it really pays off. And her co-stars all do what they need to to make her plight more real, more gripping.
If the film has any faults, it's probably in the time shifts, though from my viewpoint everything worked out well. I haven't figured everything out yet, so I'll keep the possibility open. But this is a little horror flick that subverts the usual fare, which was welcome enough. I thoroughly enjoyed Triangle and hope that it will find an audience further down the line.
Genre - Horror (3.25)
Screenplay (3)
Acting (3)
Production (3)
Directing (4)
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