In-fucking-sane. That is probably the mellowest of ways to describe
Crank: High Voltage, the sequel to the equally amazing flick
Crank (duh). We start where the previous film left off, and after Chev Chellios is scraped off the asphalt and has his heart taken out and replaced with an electric one, shit just takes off. What follows is nearly an hour and a half of crazy violence, foul and wonderfully colorful language, and more boobs than even the "best" of a Verhoeven film could offer. Because it doesn't really have to be good, it just has to be jaw-dropping and ridiculous, and
Crank: High Voltage achieves this 100%. We start and never stop, and can't help but smile at all the imaginative ways Chellios finds to kill people and recharge his heart. Everyone acts perfectly over-the-top, and there are so many cliches this flick plays with, I'm surprised there weren't many acting weak spots. Directors Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor have managed to make a possible franchise with the least likely of characters after the least likely of original endings, yet it makes perfect sense. None of these movies should exist by any means, but they do and it's hard to imagine the world without them.
Crank: High Voltage is more of
Crank (like
Crank squared, or even cubed) in many ways, but comes up second in my book overall. God knows if they decide to try another of these, but you can be damn sure I'll be in the audience.
Genre - Action (3.25)
Screenplay (3)
Acting (4)
Production (3)
Directing (3)
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